Doctors of BC Health Authority Engagement Survey 2020:


make your voice heard

Doctors of BC will open its fifth annual Health Authority Engagement Survey beginning Monday, September 14, 2020. We are seeking physician feedback on the quality of your interactions and general engagement with your health authority and local hospital – including your experiences during the ongoing COVID-19 public health emergency.

Doctors of BC understands the difficulties physicians are facing in this unprecedented time, and your feedback matters more than ever. Your input helps Doctors of BC, including your Regional Advisors and Advocates, to advocate for you in your region and community, and to build and focus programs and policies that better support your work.

The survey questions this year include questions asked in the context of COVID-19, and a section dedicated to psychological and physical health and safety. Along with this, there are questions specific to the hospital/site level, including questions related to senior leadership, and the chance to comment on potential improvements regarding physician engagement.

How will the survey work?
Your email invitation will come from: via with the subject line: Doctors of BC Health Authority Engagement Survey 2020. As in previous years, Health Standards Organization is the company conducting the survey on our behalf.

How long will it take/are my answers confidential?
It should require no more than 5 minutes of your time to complete. Your responses will remain anonymous and confidential – neither Doctors of BC nor the health authorities will know your individual answers.

How long do I have to complete it?
The survey will be open for one month, the deadline to submit your responses is midnight on Wednesday, October 14, 2020.

Letting you know the result
When results are available they will be shared with all members and health authorities. To access last year’s Survey Report, please follow this link.

A chance to win a valuable prize
Upon completing the survey, you will have the option to enter a draw to win one of two iPad Pros or Surface Pros – your choice. If you wish to enter the draw, you will be asked for your name and email address, which will go directly to HSO who will conduct the draw. Doctors of BC will not have access to this information.

What if I don’t receive the survey?
If you don’t receive the survey or if you have any questions, please contact
Thank you for providing your feedback to us. Your input is greatly appreciated, and will be used to advocate for positive change in your local Health Authority.